The Power of Protein: Health and Performance

The Power of Protein: Fueling Your Body for Health and Performance

Protein, often referred to as the building block of life, plays an indispensable role in our overall health and vitality. Beyond the obvious association with muscle growth, protein is a multifaceted nutrient that is involved in numerous essential functions throughout the body. In this article, we’ll explore the power of protein and its critical impact on health, performance, and overall well-being.

What is Protein?

Proteins are complex molecules comprised of amino acids, the fundamental units of life. There are 20 different types of amino acids, and the specific sequence and arrangement of these amino acids in a protein determine its unique function. These functions are diverse and vital, making proteins the workhorses of life.

Building and Repairing Muscles

When most people think of protein, they envision bodybuilders and athletes striving for muscle growth. And they’re not wrong. Protein is crucial for muscle development and repair. When you exercise, you create microscopic tears in your muscle fibers. Protein steps in to repair and strengthen these fibers, resulting in increased muscle mass and strength.

Supporting Enzymes and Hormones

Proteins also serve as enzymes and hormones, which are catalysts for various biochemical reactions in the body. Enzymes are responsible for breaking down food, aiding digestion, and facilitating metabolic processes. Hormones regulate essential functions such as growth, mood, and sleep patterns. Without proteins, these crucial processes wouldn’t function optimally.

Immune Function

Proteins are a cornerstone of the immune system. Antibodies, which defend the body against pathogens, are proteins. A diet rich in protein ensures the body has the raw materials to produce these essential immune defenders.

Transport and Storage

Proteins are involved in transporting vital substances throughout the body. Hemoglobin, for instance, is a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues, while myoglobin stores oxygen in muscle cells, ensuring it’s available during physical activity.

Maintaining Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

Proteins like collagen provide structural support to our skin, hair, and nails. Without adequate protein, you may experience brittle nails, dull hair, and dry skin.

Weight Management

Protein is well-known for its role in weight management. It promotes a feeling of fullness and helps control appetite, which can be instrumental in weight loss and maintenance. It also supports the preservation of lean muscle mass, which is vital for metabolic health.

How Much Protein Do You Need?

The recommended daily intake of protein varies based on factors such as age, sex, activity level, and overall health. On average, a sedentary adult should aim for at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, athletes and individuals looking to build muscle or recover from intense physical activity may require more.

Sources of Protein

Protein is abundant in various foods. Animal sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, and dairy products are complete proteins, meaning they contain all essential amino acids. Plant-based sources like beans, lentils, tofu, and quinoa provide protein too, although they may lack some amino acids found in animal products. Combining plant-based protein sources can create complete proteins for vegetarians and vegans.

In Conclusion

The power of protein cannot be overstated. It is an essential nutrient that influences every aspect of our health and performance. Incorporating an adequate amount of protein into your diet ensures proper muscle development, supports immune function, maintains healthy skin and hair, aids weight management, and provides the body with the tools it needs for optimal function. Whether you’re an athlete striving for peak performance or an individual looking to maintain overall health, protein is a key player in your journey towards well-being and vitality.

If you are interested in how to include more protein in your diet or how much you should be taking on a daily basis, then contact one of our nutritionists and we can provide you with the help and support you need.

The Role of Carbohydrates during Exercise

Carbohydrates play a key role within physical activity by providing energy to the body, brain and muscles. Athletes or anyone taking part in any physical activity needs to ensure they are consuming a large amount of carbohydrates within their diets. If someone does not consume enough carbs it is likely that performance levels and recovery may become impaired.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are one of the main three macronutrients we need to consume every day, together with protein and good fats. The main three types of carbohydrates are starch, fibre and sugar. Starch carbohydrates are more so known as complex carbs, these are food types such as potatoes, corn and starchy vegetables. Natural and added sugar foods are known as simple carbs, these can be found in food and drinks such as milk, honey, sweets, sugary drinks and syrups.

Why do we need carbohydrates and how does it aid in exercise performance?

It is imperative to our bodies that we consume carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy for our body to function, carbs are broken down and digested into a small molecule called glucose. This is used for fuel and is stored within muscles. The glucose energy molecule aids in delaying the onset of fatigue and help with muscular endurance. Carbohydrates also aid in muscular growth alongside protein and fats (macronutrients) which is so important to athletes to grow in their athletic
performance. Glycogen stores can be limited, so if a person is training and partaking in high intense physical activity, our bodies will need carbohydrate stores to fuel the body, ensuring an individual has increased energy levels. Glycogen is the main source of energy for quick bursts of physical activity and exercise, this keeps people motivated and full of energy. If these stores are low during exercise a person may become fatigued very quickly, lacking overall energy and unable to perform at the best of your ability at the highest standard. It is so important for a person to consume the right amount of carbohydrates to aid in exercise performance. If you are a person who is active and performs the recommended amount of exercise per week, healthy eating and carbohydrate intake is a necessity. Carbohydrate intake doesn’t have to always be food intake, you could have energy drinks and carbohydrate supplements (especially if you are trying to control weight).

Good sources of carbohydrates

  • Quinoa, Wheat, Pasta, Rice
  • Oats, yoghurt
  • Banana
  • Potatoes / Bread
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Corn
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables

As you can see carbohydrates are a key compenent of any diet or nutrition plan. We should not be cutting food groups out of our nutrition plans as they all plan a significant role! So if you are in need of support or advice by qualified nutritionists who won’t feed you down the wrong path, then contact us today for more information.

Fast Food Facts To Consider

5 Fast Food Fast Facts To Make You Reconsider Tonight’s Takeaway

We’re all guilty of telephone-ordering a Chinese takeaway on a Friday night or popping into the chippy when we can’t be bothered to cook anything. Most don’t think anything of the food that they’re putting into their mouths – it tastes good, it’s satisfying and fills you up, so why not, right? Unfortunately, these kinds of greasy, fat-laden fast foods can be the worst offenders in your diet, so while you may be eating healthily most of the time, those cheeky burgers that you grab on the way back from work will all add up faster than you can say ‘McDonald’s famous Chicken McNuggets contain 50% blood vessels, nerves, bones and feathers’.

Wait, what?

1. Chicken McNuggets only contain 50% chicken.
And the other half is composed of all of the bits of the chicken that nobody else wanted – specifically, ground bones, blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue, feathers, and…well, just pure fat. But considering the rest of the list, fat is probably the part that you’re least worried about.

Try this instead: A grilled chicken breast with salad. All the good stuff of the nuggets (however small that percentage may be) with up to 0.5g less saturated fat and 33g more protein per one single breast than four whole nuggets.

2. Pizza can give you heart attacks.
Not directly. But studies show that the saturated fats in pizzas can lead to a build-up of LDL cholesterol in your arteries, which in turn leads to an increased risk of heart disease and strokes.

Try this instead: Reducing the fat content in your pizzas by opting for thin, whole-wheat crusts and reducing your cheese, bulking up the slices with veggies like onions and peppers instead. If you really can’t do without a lot of cheese on your pizza, try making your own homemade ones and using half-fat mozzarella instead.

3.. Chicken tikka masala isn’t even authentically Indian.
Strictly speaking, chicken tikka itself is pretty good – chicken is low-fat and high-protein, and yoghurt contains plenty of protein and calcium. But the ‘masala’ part (the curry) has become so refined and catered to those savoury ‘Friday night curry’ cravings that it’s hardly a good representation of authentic Indian food at this point, not to mention that most takeaway chicken tikka masala dishes average out at around 1,300 calories per meal. The ingredients may look healthy, but then they’re combined with very generous portions of cream blended into the curry sauce and the whole thing becomes a high-fat and hopefully infrequent treat.

Try this instead: Homemade chicken tikka. Fresh chicken breast marinated in yoghurt, garlic and ginger and cooked dry – some supermarkets even sell the pre-marinated chicken tikka pieces, which average at around 200 calories a portion. Serve with salad and chapati, and you’ve shaved those extra 1,100 calories off your weekend indulgence.

4. Your average Chinese takeaway meal actually makes you take in an extra glass…
…of pure fat. While everyone likes to indulge, and wine with meals is pretty common, most would agree that a whole wine glass of fat in one meal is excessive. Sweet and sour chicken alone can typically contain up to 1,400 calories and 41g of saturated fats, and while the vegetable options might seem like a safe choice for those watching what they eat, they’re usually doused in oil or other sauces for flavouring that can triple the calorie content.

Try this instead: There are many healthy Chinese food recipes floating around the Internet. Stir fry is generally a good option, and can be the best one to go for if your heart is set on ordering from the place down the road. But with fresh vegetables and chicken and no processed foods or oils, making it at home could save you up to 1,000 extra calories (and it’s just as delicious).

5. Deep-fried Mars bars exist.
In case you were wondering, they’re around 800 calories. And no, their birthplace isn’t America – it’s humble old Glasgow.

Try this instead: You can’t mess with perfection, so just stick to a regular Mars bar and save yourself the indignity.

If you’re thinking that it’s time to kick these bad fast food habits to the kerb, book yourself onto one of LiveWell Health’s personal training programmes just in time for the new year. For more information on pricing and the services that we provide, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at